“借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村。” Where can an alcohol-drinking place be found A cowherd points to a cot amid apricot flowers 杏花村已经成为特指中国美酒的文化符号,汾酒也由此进入中国人的灵魂深处。 Xinghua village has become a cultural symbol specializing Chinese alcohol. Fenjiu has also entered deeply into the soul of Chinese. 作为中国白酒的源头,杏花村的酿酒技艺从仰韶时期开始,与中华民族的历史如影随形,绵延不绝,从未中断。 As the source of Chinese Baijiu, starting from the Yangshao period, the alcohol making technology of Xinghuacun was very closely associated with the history of Chinese nation and never be interrupted. 它创立和定型了中国白酒的基本风格,它推动了中国酿酒技艺的进步与成熟,它奠定了中国白酒百花齐的产业格局,始终引领着中国酒文化的发展。 It creates and shapes the basic style of Chinese Baijiu. It promotes the progress and maturity of Chinese alcohol-making technology. It laid the foundation of the industrial pattern of Chinese Baijiu that all flowers bloom together always leading the development of Chinese alcohol culture. 觥筹交错间,神州换新颜。